Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tomorrow the races begin

Tomorrow is 2,000 meter day. The first one goes off at 10:00 am local time and is the Gm Mixed in an 8 boat race. 4 Australian crews, 2 Canadian, 1 German and 1 US. The Masters Women race at 12:15 pm followed by the GM Women at 1:45 pm. We then take part in the opening ceremonies with the parade of athletes and the dotting of the eye ceremony which starts at 3:45 pm.

To add to the adventures from yesterday (menitoned in Laurie's post below)
here are a couple of additional pictures.

The one directly above is of Laura and Laurie leaning through the windows of the central atrium of the Mandarin House and the above it is showing just how narrow most all of the streets are in Macau. This street is empty which is not normally the case. On most streets delivery trucks, taxi's and cars (Mercedes and the like) will come flying down the narrow streets. Pedestrians and motorbikes, gillions of them, must beware.

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